地 址:上海市普陀区中江路889号曹杨商务大厦1501室
从 2020 年 11 月 1 日起AE/DCP 产品列表价格调整如下:
(PMD/SAP/IMALL/ISPR 系统价格也将作相应更新) :
In addition, please follow below requirement on the order placement:
For unreleased Sales Orders (ineffective Order), the maximum time between order creation and
order release data is 30 calendar days. Unreleased orders in SAP longer than 30 calendar days
will be regarded as invalid orders.
天,所有超过30 天的未释放订单将被视为无效。
All orders need to have requested delivery time. In case of partial delivery, the requested delivery
time shall be stated accordingly on batch level. Please be noted that the latest goods delivery time
shall be 60 calendar days after order placement.
于原价格订单的晚发货时间为下单后60 天。